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== Getting started with EventIDE == ((( *[{UP(MainPage)}EventIDE Quick Guide 2016.pdf|Quick Guide] *[{UP(MainPage)}EventIDEwhitepaper.pdf|EventIDE white paper] *[Examples|Demos and templates ] *[http://www.forum.okazolab.com|Technical support forum] *[EventIDE|Introduction to EventIDE] *[Feature-List|Feature List] ))) == Frequently Asked Questions == ((( ===Installation and License=== *[http://www.okazolab.com/faq-blog/managing-eventide-licenses|Managing EventIDE licenses] *[http://www.okazolab.com/faq-blog/how-to-update-eventide-on-a-computer-without-an-internet-connection|How to update EventIDE on a computer without an internet connection] *[http://www.okazolab.com/faq-blog/how-to-run-eventide-in-the-%E2%80%98player%E2%80%99-mode|How to run EventIDE in the ‘player’ mode] *[Known-Issues|Error "DirectX libraries are not found"] ===Coding=== *[http://www.okazolab.com/faq-blog/tips-in-using-c-language-in-snippets|C# Startup] *[http://www.okazolab.com/faq-blog/making-a-friendship-with-xaml|Making a friendship with XAML] *[http://www.okazolab.com/developer-blog/code-completion-for-the-xaml|Code completion for the XAML] *[Useful-links|XAML - useful links] *[http://www.okazolab.com/faq-blog/how-to-call-matlab-functions-and-commands-in-eventide|How to call Matlab functions and commands in EventIDE] *[http://www.okazolab.com/faq-blog/creating-a-custom-addin-for-eventide.-part-i|Developing custom elements for EventIDE] *[http://www.okazolab.com/faq-blog/how-to-read-a-text-file-in-snippets-2|How to read a text file in snippets] *[http://www.okazolab.com/faq-blog/error-in-snippets-cannot-implicitly-convent-type-lsquo-int-rsquo-to-lsquo-ulong-rsquo-.-any-explicit-conversion-exists|Error in snippets: Cannot implicitly convent type int to ulong. Any explicit conversion exists?] ===Eye-tracking=== *[http://www.okazolab.com/faq-blog/how-to-calibrate-an-eye-tracker-within-eventide|How to calibrate an eye-tracker within EventIDE] *[http://www.okazolab.com/developer-blog/real-time-eye-tracking-analysis-in-eventide|Real-time eye-tracking analysis in EventIDE] ===EEG Analysis=== *[http://www.okazolab.com/developer-blog/real-time-signal-processing-in-eventide|Real-time signal processing in EventIDE] *[http://www.okazolab.com/phase-locked|Phase-locked stimulus presentation extension for EventIDE software] ===Image, Video and Graphics=== *[http://www.okazolab.com/faq-blog/lossless-video-playback-in-eventide|Lossless video playback in EventIDE] *[http://www.okazolab.com/developer-blog/handling-large-video-files-in-eventide|Handling large video files in EventIDE] *[http://www.okazolab.com/developer-blog/interactive-3d-graphics-in-eventide|Interactive 3D graphics in EventIDE] ===Runtime and Data Collection=== *[http://www.okazolab.com/developer-blog/measuring-timing-accuracy-in-eventide|Measuring timing accuracy in EventIDE- is it 1ms, 0.1ms or even better?] *[http://www.okazolab.com/developer-blog/reporter--a-new-element-for-automatic-data-collection|Reporter - a new element for automatic data collection] *[http://www.okazolab.com/developer-blog/new-run-history-never-loose-your-data|Run History - Never loose your data] *[http://www.okazolab.com/faq-blog/how-to-add-a-subject-info-into-collected-data|How to add a subject info into collected data] *[http://www.okazolab.com/developer-blog/new-debugging-window-for-runtime-monitoring-and-change-of-proxy-variables|New debugging window for monitoring and changing the proxy variables at runtime] *[http://www.okazolab.com/faq-blog/how-to-make-runtime-screenshots-programmatically|How to save a runtime screenshot at any time] *[http://wiki.okazolab.com/wiki.okazolab.com/LAB-Streaming-Layer-in-EventIDE|Lab Streaming Layer in EventIDE] ===Hardware=== *[http://www.okazolab.com/faq-blog/how-to-control-an-arduino-board-in-eventide|How to control the Arduino boards in EventIDE] ))) == Main Concepts == This section describes the main concepts and philosophy of experimental design in EventIDE. {| |- ! EventIDE Designer ! Design Objects ! Special Concepts ! Design Techniques |- | {CategoryList cat='Panels and Menus' type=*} | {CategoryList cat='Design Objects' type=*} | {CategoryList cat='Special Concepts' type=*} | {CategoryList cat='Design Techniques' type=*} |} == Elements == In EventIDE, the element are core design objects that are added to the experiment structure. The elements carry various functions, such as stimulus presentation, input registration, hardware support, analysis, etc. Below, you can find wiki pages described the existing elements. The pages are grouped by the element categories. {| |- ! Visual Stimuli ! Auditory Stimuli ! Stimulus Generators ! Communications ! Mouse Touch Joystick ! Monitoring |- | {CategoryList cat='Visual Stimuli' type=*} | {CategoryList cat='Auditory Stimuli' type=*} | {CategoryList cat='Stimulus Generators' type=*} | {CategoryList cat='Communications' type=*} | {CategoryList cat='Mouse Touch Joystick' type=*} | {CategoryList cat='Monitoring' type=*} |} {| |- ! Data Collection ! Input Registration ! 3D graphics ! User Interface ! Randomization ! Eye-tracking analysis |- | {CategoryList cat='Data Collection' type=*} | {CategoryList cat='Input Registration' type=*} | {CategoryList cat='3D Graphics' type=*} | {CategoryList cat='User Interface' type=*} | {CategoryList cat='Randomization' type=*} | {CategoryList cat='Eye-tracking analysis' type=*} |} {| |- ! Eye Trackers ! Kinect ! Signal Acquisition ! Signal Processing ! Leap Motion ! Usability Research |- | {CategoryList cat='Eye Trackers' type=*} | {CategoryList cat='Kinect' type=*} | {CategoryList cat='Signal Acquisition' type=*} | {CategoryList cat='Signal Processing' type=*} | {CategoryList cat='Leap Motion' type=*} | {CategoryList cat='Usability Research' type=*} |} {| |- ! Cambridge Research ! Oculus Rift ! Emotion Recognition ! Object Tracking ! Deprecated |- | {CategoryList cat='Cambridge Research' type=*} | {CategoryList cat='Oculus Rift' type=*} | {CategoryList cat='Emotion Recognition' type=*} | {CategoryList cat='Object Tracking' type=*} | {CategoryList cat='Deprecated' type=*} |} <!-- {tagcloud: width=400, textColour = '#183763', textHeight = 20, outlineColour = '#00f', maxSpeed = 0.03, minBrightness = 0.2, pulsateTo = 0.6, decel = 0.98, reverse = true, initial = (0.1;-0.1), hideTags = false, shadow = '#ccf', shadowBlur = 3, weight = false, imageScale = null, fadeIn = 1000 |[++Phase-Forecaster-Element|Phase Forecaster] |[++Customize.Plugins|Plugins] |[++Customize.Themes|Themes] |[++Help.WikiMarkup-Pictures|Markup Pictures] |[++Help.Installation|Installation] |[++Help.WikiMarkup-Tables|Markup Tables]} -->
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