Camera Orbit |
Orbit Rotation | Defines an orbital rotation of the camera on the current 3D scene. The vector fields X,Y and Z represent Yew, Pitch and Roll values in degrees. | | Vector.. | |
Orbit Center | Defines the center point of the camera orbit in the world coordinates. | | Point3D | |
Orbit Scale | Defines a scale of the camera orbit relative to the orbit center. The value is in percentages, such that 100% matches to the camera position defined in the current 3D scene. | | Double | |
Camera Settings |
Camera Position | Defines a camera location in the world coordinates. The property does not specify the camera direction vector. The direction is defined by the Camera Lookup Direction property. | | Point3D | |
Lookup Direction | Defines the camera lookup vector- a direction in which the camera is looking in world coordinates. | | Vector.. | |
Camera Up Direction | Defines a unit vector that represents the upward direction of the camera (and 3D model projection) | | Vector.. | |
Near Plane Distance | Defines a distance from the camera to the camera's near clip plane | | Double | |
Far Plane Distance | Defines a distance from the camera to the camera's far clip plane | | Double | |
Field of view | Defines horizontal bounds of the camera's projection, as degrees between the camera's position and the image plane | | Double | |
Object Tracking |
Is Tracking | Enables tracking and selection of 3D objects with a 2D positional device, e.g. mouse or eye-tracker. The tracking returns a name of the closest object pointed on the current projection of 3D model | | Boolean | |
Tracked Object | Returns a name of the pointed 3D object among all objects on a 3D scene. The object name has to be defined in the XAML 3D model. When no object is pointed, the property returns an empty string. | | String | |
Tracked Point | Returns 3D coordinates of the focal dot on the pointed 3D object. When no object is pointed, the property returns the zero point. | | Point3D | |
Tracking Distance | Returns a distance from the camera to the focal dot of the tracked 3D object (in the world units). When no object is pointed, the property returns the zero. | | Double | |
Material List |
Selected Index | Defines an index of the selected library item in the list of this element | | Int32 | |
Selected Item | Defines a name if the selected library item in the list of this element | | String | |
Item Count | Return the total number of material items in the list of this element | | Int32 | |
Visual Appearance |
Alpha Masking | Defines, whether the visual content is used to create an opacity mask on the event surface. If masking is on, the content's pixel luminance (or, its inverse) defines transparency within element's viewport. The alpha masking allows, for example, create transparent holes on the event surface. | | Int32 | |
AntiAliasing | if true, the rendered content will be antialiased for smoother visual appeariance. If false, rendering will be authentic to its source, e.g. a bitmap. | | Boolean | |
Position | Defines a position of the rendering viewport on the screen | | clPoint | |
Size | Defines a size of the element's rendering viewport on the screen | | clSize | |
Z Order | Indicates Z Order of the element on the given event | | Int32 | |
Pivot Point | Defines alignment of the pivot point (or, element's position) relative to element's rendering area. The pivot point sets the center of element's rotation and scale directions. | | stAlig.. | |
Visible | Defines whether the element is visible | | Boolean | |
Rotation | Rotation angle in degrees | | Double | |
Effects |
Transparent Color | The color of the original pixels of rendered content that will be set as transparent | | stColor | |
Transparent Tolerance | Tolerance ratio for choosing colors that become transparent. Zero means that effect is not applied, 1 denotes that all colors will become trasparent | | Int32 | |
Color Mask | Produces a multiplicative combination of the original pixels
and the selected mask color (except the alpha channel).
The effect emulates a look through a colored glass.
White or transparent mask color dont change the original pixels | | stColor | |
Opacity | Opacity of the rendered content | | Int32 | |
Contrast | Contrast of the rendered content | | Int32 | |
Brightness | Brightness the rendered content | | Int32 | |
Saturation | Saturation of the rendered content | | Double | |
Pixelation | Pixelation of the rendered content | | Int32 | |
Blurring | The radius used in the gaussian blur of rendered content, as a pixel-based factor. The default is 0 which means no blurring. | | Int32 | |
Scrambling | | | Double | |
Scrambling Grid Size | Defines a size of the scrambling grid | | clSize | |
Positional Jitter |
Reset Jitter Now | Runtime command that resets the positional jitter. | | Boolean | |
Current Jitter | Returns the current jitter | | clPoint | |
Jitter Range | Defines a possible range for the random jitter. The range is centered to the position of the element. | | clSize | |
Control |
Is Enabled | If set to false the element is completely omitted when the experiment is run | | Boolean | |
Title | Title of the element | | String | |