Randomized Design |
Condition List Editor | Opens a visual editor for the condition list | | String | |
Withdrawal Mode | Defines the withdrawal mode. When Auto Withdrawal is true, the element automatically withdraws fresh factor values from a trial block on onset of the parent event. In that mode the element also derives a number of trials and blocks from a number of made withdrawals. In the manual mode, trial blocks also have to be regenerated manually, via the Reset Block property | | enWith.. | |
Shuffling | Defines whether the condition order becomes reshuffled as new trial block is generated. Set to 'false' only, when you define an already reshuffled condition list and would like to apply it as it is. | | Boolean | |
Block Length | Indicates the total length of the generated random trial block (number of trials) | | Int32 | |
Condition Frequencies | Defines the frequency (number of repetitions) of each Condition in generated random blocks | | Int32[] | |
Is Balanced | Defines whether withdrawal of Conditions from the generated trial block is balanced. If true, the Conditions will be withdrawn in blocks, with the fixed frequency for each Condition within a block (as defined by the design). If false, the Conditions will be withdrawn independently, trial by trial, from random positions in the trial block with possible repetitions. The Condition frequencies are still relevant in the unbalanced withdrawal, but not guarantied over a short time. | | Boolean | |
Design Fraction | Defines a faction of the current design that is use to make the actual random block. The fraction is created by random sampling from the full design. The default value for the property is 100%, which corresponds to the full design. The lower values can be used for testing, when performing the actual number of trials is too long. | | Double | |
Random Seed |
Block Seed | Defines the random seed for generation of the consequent random block. The default value is zero, which denotes that different autogenerated seeds will be used for each block. When the seed is non-zero and fixed, the same random blocks are generated in a row. Runtime changes of the property affect only the consequent blocks. | | Int32 | |
Current Block Seed | Returns the seed that have been used for generation of the current block | | Int32 | |
Runtime Status |
Trial Number | Returns the ordinal number of the current trial in a present block, as it is counted by the element. The number includes the recalled conditions and, therefore, can be greater than Block Length. | | Int32 | |
Block Number | Returns the ordinal number of the current trial block. Blocks are counted from the start of the experiment | | Int32 | |
Total Trial Number | Returns the total number of trials counted since the start of the experiment. The value is accumulated across all made blocks. | | Int32 | |
Is First Trial | Indicates whether the current trial is the first trial in the present trial block. This status property is proposed for signaling the start of a new trial block. | | Boolean | |
Is Last Trial | Indicates whether the current trial is the last trial in the random block. This status property is designed for signaling the end of each trial block. The value can be used, e.g. in as a condition of a flow route to a pause event. | | Boolean | |
Runtime Commands |
Recall Condition Now | Runtime command that recalls the current trial Condition (combination of the factor levels) back to the random block. The recall reshuffles the Condition in the random block assuring that the same Condition will be withdrawn later, in one of the subsequent trials. The command is initiated by assigning 'true' to this property in code snippets. | | Boolean | |
Repeat Condition Now | Runtime command that repeats the current trial Condition (combination of the factor levels) in the next trial (technically, on the next onset of the parent event). The command is initiated by assigning 'true' to this property in code snippets. | | Boolean | |
Reset Block Now | Runtime command that generates a new random block. | | Boolean | |
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Control |
Is Enabled | If set to false the element is completely omitted when the experiment is run | | Boolean | |
Title | Title of the element | | String | |