CrowdSight Analyzer Element

Modified on 2018/08/29 03:43 by Administrator — Categorized as: Elements, Emotion Recognition


Element Icon CrowdSight Analyzer
Category: Emotion Recognition AddIn: AddIn_CrowdSight
Creator: OkazoLab Scope: Parent event
Owns Snippets: None Usage: Snippets


NameDescription                              ConstraintsTypeOn
CrowdSight Key        Defines a authentication key for CrowdSight SDK                String         
Camera        Defines a webcam capturing frames for the analysis.                Int32         
Frame Resolution        Defines the resolution of webcam frames                Int32         
Analysis Rate        Defines the maximal analysis rate measured in Hz. The zero value summons the maximal possible rate, which means one analysis per each iteration of the event's control loop.                Int32         
Custom Data        Defines arbitrary custom data that is embedded into a analysis sample upon its registration. If the value is continuously updated, it can be used for synchronization of the CrowdSight analysis with other data sources.                String         
Newest Analysis                         clCrow..         
All Analyses                         clCrow..         
Analysis Number                         Int32         
Save Data Now        The command that saves a list of collected emotion analyses into a plain data file.  Assign a filename in the snippets to invoke this command at runtime. The extension of the filename (e.g. .txt, .csv) will define a format of the data file.                String         
Reset Results Now                         Boolean         
XAML Emotion Plot        Returns a live XAML control containing the bee plot. The property that can be used for binding to the Content property of the XAML ContentControl element, e.g. . The bound ContentControl can be then added to the status screen or to the GUI Panel element.                UIElem..         
Save Plot Now        The command that saves the current emotion plot into an image file.  Assign a filename in the snippets to invoke this command at runtime. The extension of the filename (e.g. .png,.bmp, .jpg, *.xps) will define a format of the image file.                String         
Plot Type                         Int32         
Plot Background                         Int32         
Rendering Size        The rendering size also defines the image resolution, when the plot is saved into an image file or video.                clSize         
Font Size        Defines the font size for the plot labels                Double         
Plot Theme        Defines a visual theme for the plot                Int32         
Is Enabled        If set to false the element is completely omitted when the experiment is run                Boolean         
Title        Title of the element                String         

CrowdSight Element carries real-time face detection and analysis of face-based person features, such as: emotions, age, head pose, etc. The element requires a webcam and active CrowdSight account.