Oculus Viewport Element

Modified on 2018/07/16 00:50 by Administrator — Categorized as: Elements, Oculus Rift


Element Icon Oculus Viewport
Category: Oculus Rift AddIn: Oculus Rift AB3D
Creator: OkazoLab Scope: Parent event
Owns Snippets: None Usage: Stimulus screen


NameDescription                              ConstraintsTypeOn
Is Cloning        Defines whether the Oculus view is cloned on the presentation screen                Boolean         
Oculus View Mode        Defines whether the Oculus view is cloned on the presentation screen                Int32         
Auto View        Defines whether the viewport automatically adjusts the camera pose in order to fit an entire 3D model                Boolean         
Auto Origin        Defines whether the viewport automatically translated the word origin to the center of mass on a loaded 3D model                Boolean         
Background Color        Defines the background color of the Oculus viewport                stColor         
Rendering Quality        Defines the rendering quality in the 3D viewport                enRend..         
Multi-sampling Mode        Defines the multi-sampling mode in the 3D viewport. Higher multi-sampling results in better anti-aliasing quality but can decrease performance.                Int32         
Reset Camera Now                         Boolean         
Camera Position                         Point3D         
LookAt Vector                         Vector..         
LookUp Vector                         Vector..         
Near Plane Distance                         Double         
Far Plane Distance                         Double         
Movement Scale                         Double         
World Scale                         Double         
World Rotation                         Vector..         
Rendering Time                         Double         
XAML Viewport                         Framew..         
Gaze Marker
Show Marker        Defines whether the fixed gaze marker is shown at the center of the Oculus Viewport                Boolean         
Marker Color        Defines whether the fixed gaze marker is shown at the center of the Oculus Viewport                stColor         
Marker Size        Defines a size of the gaze marker                clSize         
Object Tracking
Tracking Mode        Defines how tracking and selection mode within the Oculus viewport                Int32         
Tracked Object        Returns a name of the tracked 3D object among all objects on a 3D scene. The object name has to be defined in the XAML 3D model by the 'AutomationProperties.Name' attribute on the 3DGeometry tag. When no object is tracked, the property returns an empty string.                String         
Tracked Point        Returns 3D coordinates of the focal dot on the currently tracked 3D object. When no object is tracked, the property returns the zero point.                Point3D         
Tracking Distance        Returns a distance from the camera to the focal dot of the tracked 3D object (in the world units). When no object is tracked, the property returns the zero.                Double         
Material List
Selected Index        Defines an index of the selected library item in the list of this element                Int32         
Selected Item        Defines a name if the selected library item in the list of this element                String         
Item Count        Return the total number of material items in the list of this element                Int32         
Equalize RGB        If true,the RGB pixel intensity is equalized across all loaded items                Boolean         
Visual Appearance
Alpha Masking        Defines, whether the visual content is used to create an opacity mask on the event surface. If masking is on, the content's pixel luminance (or, its inverse) defines transparency within element's viewport. The alpha masking allows, for example, create transparent holes on the event surface.                Int32         
AntiAliasing        if true, the rendered content will be antialiased for smoother visual appeariance. If false, rendering will be authentic to its source, e.g. a bitmap.                Boolean         
Position        Defines a position of the rendering viewport on the screen                clPoint         
Size        Defines a size of the element's rendering viewport on the screen                clSize         
Z Order        Indicates Z Order of the element on the given event                Int32         
Pivot Point        Defines alignment of the pivot point (or, element's position) relative to element's rendering area. The pivot point sets the center of element's rotation and scale directions.                stAlig..         
Visible        Defines whether the element is visible                Boolean         
Rotation        Rotation angle in degrees                Double         
Transparent Color        The color of the original pixels of rendered content that will be set as transparent                stColor         
Transparent Tolerance        Tolerance ratio for choosing colors that become transparent. Zero means that effect is not applied, 1 denotes that all colors will become trasparent                Int32         
Color Mask        Produces a multiplicative combination of the original pixels and the selected mask color (except the alpha channel).  The effect emulates a look through a colored glass.  White or transparent mask color dont change the original pixels                stColor         
Opacity        Opacity of the rendered content                Int32         
Contrast        Contrast of the rendered content                Int32         
Brightness        Brightness the rendered content                Int32         
Saturation        Saturation of the rendered content                Double         
Pixelation        Pixelation of the rendered content                Int32         
Blurring        The radius used in the gaussian blur of rendered content, as a pixel-based factor. The default is 0 which means no blurring.                Int32         
Scrambling                        Double         
Scrambling Grid Size        Defines a size of the scrambling grid                clSize         
Positional Jitter
Reset Jitter Now        Runtime command that resets the positional jitter.                Boolean         
Current Jitter        Returns the current jitter                clPoint         
Jitter Range        Defines a possible range for the random jitter. The range is centered to the position of the element.                clSize         
Is Enabled        If set to false the element is completely omitted when the experiment is run                Boolean         
Title        Title of the element                String         

Oculus Viewport element renders arbitrary 3D objects and scenes into the Oculus headset displays. The element allows to select the camera mode and control camera's pose at runtime.




Snapshot 1

Snapshot 1

Snapshot 2

Snapshot 2

Practical Use


Technique 1

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
    === Technique 2 ===
  3. Step 1
  4. Step 2

     // Check the trial outcome. Result and RT just other user variables
    // insert code snippet here..
    == Notes ==
  5. Insert Notes here..
  6. Insert Notes here..