Signal Source |
Selected Signal | Defines the signal for processing by the element. The signals are provided by the data acquisition elements. | | Int32 | |
Sampling Rate | Defines the sampling rate of the original signal, in Hz | | Double | |
FFT Settings |
Analysis Window Size | Defines the size (in samples) of the moving window for processing in this element. | | Int32 | |
Range Of Interest | Defines the 'range of interest' across all signal frequencies for analysis, such that the dominant frequency is searched within the range only. The range also restrains X-bounds on the generated plot. | | clRange | |
Bin Size | Defines the bin size for the frequency dimension in statistics and plotting | | Double | |
Power Normalization | Defines the normalization procedure applied to for estimated power values | | enPowe.. | |
Fourier Options | Defines the computation options for the FFT | | Fourie.. | |
Runtime Status |
Is Running | Defines whether online processing and plotting is going on. You can turn off them at any runtime moment for a sake of performance. | | Boolean | |
Dominant ROI Frequency | Returns the dominant FFT frequency in the signal power spectrum within the range of interest, in Hz | | Double | |
Dominant ROI Power | Returns the power of the dominant FFT frequency in the signal power spectrum within the range of interest, in Hz | | Double | |
Dominant Binned Power | Returns the power of the dominant binned frequency in the signal power spectrum within the range of interest, in Hz | | Double | |
ROI Bin Powers | Returns a double array containing freq. powers (grouped in bins) from the range of interest | | Double.. | |
XAML PSD Plot | Returns a live XAML control that can be used for direct binding to the Content property of the XAML ContentControl element, e.g. ContentControl with a generated staircase plot can be added to the status screen or to the XAML Layout element. | | UIElem.. | |
Frequency Spectrum | Returns an double array of the instant frequency spectrum estimated by FFT. The length of the array is equal to the size of the analysis window. The spectrum is updated every Control Loop cycle of the parent event, if new signal samples are available. | | Double.. | |
Plotting |
PSD Plot Type | Defines the type of the PSD plot. The heatmap plot can be slower in rendering but it allows a signal overview over time | | enPSDP.. | |
Plot Title | Defines the title of the generated plot | | String | |
Plot Theme | Defines a visual theme of the generated plot | | Int32 | |
Bar Color | Defines the color of power bars on the generated plot | | stColor | |
Bar Width | Defines the relative width of the bars on on the generated plot. | | Int32 | |
Rendering Size | Defines the size of the generated plot in pixels. The plot is automatically stretched on rendering, but a larger rendering size improves the chart quality with some cost in performance. The rendering size is also used as the resulting image resolution, when the chart is saved into a file. | | clSize | |
Font Size | Defines the font size for plot labels | | Double | |
Show Axis Bands | Defines whether the axis bands are shown on the plot area | | Boolean | |
Control |
Is Enabled | If set to false the element is completely omitted when the experiment is run | | Boolean | |
Title | Title of the element | | String | |