Trajectory Control |
Animated Element | Defines a visual element, whose runtime position and size will be automatically controlled by the current trajectory selected in the Pathfinder. If no animated object is selected you can still use the time-lined trajectory data in code snippets. | | Int32 | |
Frame Pace | Defines the minimal animation pace (in ms) along the trajectory data. You can use this property to set the animation framerate. | | clTime | |
Length | Returns a length of the currently selected trajectory in keyframes | | Int32 | |
Duration | Returns a duration of the currently selected trajectory in ms. | | Int32 | |
Runtime Status |
Current Keyframe | Returns an index of the current keyframe in the selected trajectory | | Int32 | |
Current Position | Returns the current object position, as defined by the selected trajectory | | clPoint | |
Current Size | Returns the object size, as defined by the selected trajectory | | clSize | |
Material List |
Selected Index | Defines an index of the active item in the material list of this element | | Int32 | |
Selected Item | Defines a name if the active library item in the material list of this element | | String | |
Item Count | Returns the total number of material items in the list of this element | | Int32 | |
Control |
Is Enabled | If set to false the element is completely omitted when the experiment is run | | Boolean | |
Title | Title of the element | | String | |