Settings |
Minimal Forward Velocity | Defines the minimal forward velocity of the tap gesture in mm/sec. | | Double | |
Maximal Tap Duration | Defines the maximal tap duration in ms. | | Double | |
Minimal Tap Distance | Defines the minimal tapping distance in mm. | | Double | |
Tracking Filter | Defines what tip types are taken for tracking | | enLeap.. | |
Filtering ID | Defines an ID for the only tracked tip, if the tracking filter is set to 'Filtered by ID' | | Int32 | |
Results |
All Gestures | Returns an array of the most recent tracker samples. The array is updated every Control Loop cycle. | | clTapG.. | |
Newest Gesture | Returns the newest tracker sample. The sample is updated every Control Loop cycle. | | clTapG.. | |
Runtime Status |
Triggering Time | Returns the local event time when the current webpage is fully loaded. The element gets triggered, each time as it happens | | clTime | |
Is Triggered | Indicates whether the element has been triggered since the onset of the parent event. The element gets triggered, as the current webpage is fully loaded (each time as it happens) | | Boolean | |
Control |
Is Enabled | If set to false the element is completely omitted when the experiment is run | | Boolean | |
Title | Title of the element | | String | |