Port Settings |
Port Name | Defines the selected serial port by its name in the system. The name can be selected from the dropdown list, which queries the available serial ports. | | String | |
Baud Rate | Defines the serial baud rate | | Int32 | |
Stop Bits | Defines a number of stopbits per transferred byte | | StopBi.. | |
Parity | Defines the parity-checking protocol | | Parity | |
Data Bits Number | Defines the number of data bits in each transferred byte | | Int32 | |
Settings |
Working Mode | Defines a working mode for the element.
Select 'Auto Output' mode for sending data synchronously with an onset of the parent event,
'Input Detection' mode for catching the particular pattern in port input
and 'Manual Output'/'Input Listener' modes for custom writing/reading scenarios
controlled via snippets. | | stSeri.. | |
Encoding | The encoding method that is used to convert raw port bytes
into text strings and vice verse.
The default encoding is ByteChar
which converts each byte of data to a single char. | | stSeri.. | |
Buffer Size | Size of the input circular buffer (in bytes) that stores all incoming port data
when the element works in the 'Input Listener' mode.
If the buffer is small, a part of the data can be lost
before it is read by the program | | Int32 | |
Input |
Test Input | Start a dialog window that monitors arriving port input in realtime.
Use for verification of the selected port settings and encoding method. | | Boolean | |
Input | Returns a string containing the most recent port input, when the element works in the input modes. The property value is refreshed on each Control Loop step, therefore, it should be read in the Control Loop snippet. | | String | |
Triggering Input | When the element works in the 'Input Detection' mode,
a value of this property defines the 'catching' input string.
If such string is detected an incoming input at some moment,
the element registers the detection time and becomes triggered.
This property is essential for time-accurate registration of the specific input,
e.g a button press, coming out of a external device. | | String | |
Trigger Once | Defines whether the element can be triggered multiple times, while the parent event is active. If the property value is 'true', only the first triggering is registered. Triggering can occur only in the 'Triggering on specific input' working mode | | Boolean | |
Output |
Output Buffer | Text buffer that accumulates data
meant to be sent through the port. | | String | |
Send Now | Runtime command sending the current output value through the port. The command is enabled, when the element works in the Manual Output mode. | | Boolean | |
Runtime Status |
Is Triggered | Indicates whether the element has been triggered at least once, since activation of the parent event. Triggering can occur only in the 'Input Detection' working mode. | | Boolean | |
Triggering Time | Returns a local event time of the last triggering on the element. Triggering can occur only in the 'Triggering on specific input' working mode. | | clTime | |
Control |
Is Enabled | If set to false the element is completely omitted when the experiment is run | | Boolean | |
Title | Title of the element | | String | |