Staircase Settings |
Desired Correct Rate | Defines the fixed participant's performance level for the estimated threshold, in percentages. The staircase steps on correct and wrong responses will be different if this value is not equal change level-50%. The valid input range is between 0 and 100. | | Double | |
Initial Intensity | Defines the initial value of stimulus intensity. If the value is changed at runtime, the staircase aborts the current estimate and resets all parameters. | | Double | |
Forward Step | Defines the change in stimulus intensity for the correct response. A sign of the value defines the staircase direction relative to the initial value. The reverse step size for the wrong answers is calculated automatically, based on the Staircase Step and the value of Desired Correct Rate property and should remain fixed during the estimation procedure. | | Double | |
Inverse Step | Indicates a size of the change in stimulus intensity for the wrong response. The value is calculated automatically, based on the Desired Correct Rate and Staircase Step properties. | | Double | |
Reversal Number | Defines the total number of reversals, or staircase length, required to complete the threshold estimation | | Int32 | |
Ignorable Reversals | Defines a number of the initial reversals that are excluded from the threshold estimation (but still be counted in the staircase length) | | Int32 | |
Staircase Plotting |
Rendering Size | Defines the size of the generated XAML staircase plot in pixels. The plot is automatically stretched on rendering, but a larger rendering size improves the chart quality with some cost in performance. The rendering size is also used as the resulting image resolution, when the chart is saved into a file. | | clSize | |
Plot Title | | | String | |
Show Subtitle | Defines whether the staircase statistics is shown in the plot subtitle | | Boolean | |
Font Size | Defines the font size for plot labels | | Double | |
Show Axis Bands | Defines whether the axis bands are shown on the plot area | | Boolean | |
Confidence Interval | Defines a type of the confidence intervals shown on the XAML staircase plot | | enStar.. | |
XAML Staircase Plot | Returns a live XAML control that can be used for direct binding to the Content property of the XAML ContentControl element, e.g. ContentControl with a generated staircase plot can be added to the status screen or to the XAML Layout element. | | UIElem.. | |
Save Plot Now | Use this runtime command whenever you want to save a screenshot of the generated chart. To run the command, assign a string with a full file path and name to this property in a code snippet. The screenshot will be saved into the target file after the end of the snippet call. The format of the image file is defined by the extension of the file name, e.g. .bmp, .png or .jpg | | String | |
Runtime Control |
Add Response Now | Assigning a new value to this property in code snippets adds a single trial outcome to the staircase estimator. The value should be either boolean or integer: true/1 for the correct response and false/0 for the wrong response. | | Object | |
New Intensity | Returns a value for the stimulus intensity in the next trial as suggested by the staircase estimator. The value is updated after adding responses to the staircase estimator. | | Double | |
Reset Staircase Now | Runtime command that resets the current staircase and start a new estimator | | Boolean | |
Runtime Results |
Estimated Threshold | The current estimate of participant's threshold | | Double | |
Estimated Threshold SD | The current estimate of participant's threshold | | Double | |
Estimated Threshold SE | The current estimate of participant's threshold | | Double | |
Actual Correct Rate | Indicates the real correct rate calculated over all participant's responses, in percentages | | Double | |
Is Completed | Indicates whether the estimation of the threshold is completed - the total number of reversal is reached | | Boolean | |
Staircase Data |
Response Count | Indicates the number of the collected responses in the current staircase | | Int32 | |
All Responses | Returns a boolean array of the collected responses in the current staircase | | Boolea.. | |
Reversal Count | Indicates the number of the observed reversals in the current staircase (including the ignorable reversals) | | Int32 | |
Staircase Points | Returns a double array of all intensity values in the current staircase. The array values are time-ordered and the value with the zero index corresponds to the initial intensity. | | Double.. | |
Control |
Is Enabled | If set to false the element is completely omitted when the experiment is run | | Boolean | |
Title | Title of the element | | String | |