Page History: Auditory Stimuli
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== Selecting the element for auditory stimuli
You can use this element to deliver rich auditory stimuli in experimental scenarios where accurate timing is important and a playback process need to be controlled. For simplest sound tones you can get even better good temporal precision if you use the Beeper element. Alternatively, in scenarios where temporal precision is not necessary, for example: for a post-stimulus voice feedback, you can use the Audio Player element that supports the widest range of sound formats.
You can use this element to deliver rich auditory stimuli in experimental scenarios where very accurate timing is important. For the comparable temporal accuracy but better control on a playback process, use
DirectSound element. For simplest sound tones you can get even better temporal precision if you use the
Beeper element. Alternatively, in scenarios where temporal precision is not necessary, for example for a post-stimulus voice feedback, you can use the Audio Player element that supports the widest range of sound formats.
The ASIO element has few properties for tuning of the sound hardware (other settings are typically available via ASIO driver software). By element, the clip mixing can be switched on and off, and, with monitoring turn on, a basic playback statistics can be measured, like a real startup latency and actual playback duration at runtime. These settings affect the playback performance and, it's always a good idea to test the real playback empirically, with the current hardware, drivers and audio clips.
The element can be used even with sound hardware that does not support ASIO protocol directly. For this purpose you can download and install one of the WDM to ASIO drivers, available for Windows (e.g.
ASIO4ALL driver). However, in this case, the temporal accuracy of playback is normally quite poor.