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Page Revision: 2015/01/27 01:26

Element Icon Cedrus XID
Category: Input Registration AddIn: Base Elements
Creator: OkazoLab Team Scope: Parent Event
Owns Snippets: no Usage: Code snippets

Actions aligned with epochs of the parent event

After OnsetThe element starts monitoring button presses/releases and line states. The reaction time timer of Cedrus device is reset to zero.
Control Loop stepTriggered snippet is invoked, if the button or line state changes according to the selected triggering mode.
Before OffsetThe element stops monitoring button presses/releases and line states


Generic Properties

NameDescriptionConstraintsValue TypeUpon Change
Cedrus PortDefines a name of the Cedrus serial port. The typical names are COM1, COM2 and so forth. You may either type it in or select it from the drop down list. String
Baud RateDefines the data rate in bits per second (bauds) for the Cedrus ports. The Cedrus devices usually use 9600,19200 and 115200 baud rates, depending on the position of the DIP switches on a device.Int32
Triggering ModeDefines the triggering mode for button or line. The First Press Only mode is recommended for response time measurements. A button presses corresponds to the ON state, when a line is monitored.enum
Monitored ButtonDefines a button or line monitored by the element. If 'Any' is selected, the element monitors all buttons and lines on the selected Cedrus device. In this case, a name of the pressed button or activated line is returned by the Triggering Button property. The property editor provides a press detector that can be used to find a name of the target button.String
Runtime status
Triggering TimeReturns the Cedrus reaction time that corresponds to a cause of the element trigger,e.g. a button press. When Holding Down' mode is used, the property returns a local event time while the button is down. The value can be used an accurate measure of the response time.clTime
Is TriggeredIndicates whether a button or line has been triggered at least once since the onset of the parent event. The property resets on every event onset. This property can be naturally used to gate switching between events.Boolean
Triggered ButtonReturns a name of the triggered button or line (pressed or released depending on the Triggering Mode'''). Buttons are named with a number, as "Bitton n", whereas the input line are names as "Line n".String
Is DownIndicates whether the monitored button/line is currently in the down/ON state respectively. Boolean

+=== Properties inherited from clElement === Inherited properties of clElement
NameDescriptionConstraintsValue TypeUpon Change
Is EnabledIf set to false the element is completely omitted when the experiment is run.Boolean
TitleTitle of the element.String

Cedrus XID element detects button and line states on the Cedrus input devices that support the XID (eXperimental Interface Device) protocol. The supported XID devices include the RB Series and Lumina response pads, StimTracker marker and SV-1 voice key.


Short description


Snapshot 1

Snapshot 1

Snapshot 2

Snapshot 2

Practical Use

Technique 1

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2

Technique 2

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2

 // Check the trial outcome. Result and RT just other user variables
// insert code snippet here..


  • Insert Notes here..
  • Insert Notes here..

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