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Page Revision: 2011/08/04 14:46


At the top left corner a Main Menu is shown (Figure 1). Options in this main menu are defined as: File, Edit, Experiment, Event, Library, Parameters, Snippets and Actions.

Figure 1: First screen presented to the user when you open a new experiment in EventIDE.


File Menu

File (Figure 2) allows the user to: create New files, Open existing files (from a known folder within a browsable system), Save current experiment with the same previous name and in the same previous location or Save As to give the current file a new name and save it in a new location if desired.

Figure 2: What is seen upon clicking on File in the Main Menu.

The Setup option on the File menu also allows the user to define a number of general settings relating to the preferred monitor set up and the preferred view for code snippets such as code font and size (Figure 3).

Runtime Display: The system monitor that will display the main experimental window. If this is set to "Auto Selection", the primary display will be used.

SubScreen Display: The system monitor that will display the operator screen. If this is set to "Auto Selection, the secondary display will be used.

Code Font: The font that will be used when displaying code snippets. By default it is Courier New.

Code Font Size: Changes the size of the font used to display code snippets.

Code Background and Code Color: Changes both the background colour of the snippet boxes and the font color of the snippet code.

Although EventIDE has a number of built in elements ready for use (see Elements and the Resource Library), some users may prefer to code their own, and import these libraries to EventIDE via dynamic linking (or DLL). AddIn Manager provides an easy way to load different libraries.

Figure 3:Detail of Setup and AddIn Manager options.

When AutoOpen is active the most recent .eve project will be opened upon start up. The five most recently opened projects are also listed and can be opened with a single click.

Edit Menu

Similarly to many other programs, the Edit option allows the user to Undo (Ctr+Z) the previous action, as well as Cut (Ctr+X), Copy (Ctr+C) or Paste (Ctr+V) snippets of code and elements.

Experiment Menu

The Experiment option allows users to Add New Event or Delete Event. Events are a fundamental notion of EventIDE; they could be defined as every little step in the experiment, as every temporal moment in the experimental sequence. Links between events can also be controlled using the Make Circular Links, Make all-to-Links and Delete Selected Links option. See the Layers section for more information on linking events.

Event Menu

Event is used to add new elements to an event (see Elements and Resource Library). Images, videos and buttons (Figure 4) are considered elements and these can be added or deleted using the Event menu option. These elements will be used to construct the events; an event has no sense without elements defined therein.


Figure 4: Elements available in Event option. These are the possible structures that could be added to an Event to define this particular step in experiment development.

Library Menu

The Library option gives you the possibility of interacting with resources in the experiment such as images and videos (see Elements and the Resource Library). When Library menu is selected (Figure 5) from the main menu you can:

* Add new resource: Allows you to add a new file to the library from a particular folder. * Add XAML resource: Allows you to add a new sheet of code where you can define, through XAML code whatever figure you are interested in. These kind of elements are interesting because they can adopt properties such as changing size as a function of time or other parameters, or changing colour or position whereas images cannot. * Resources in the library will be sorted in alphabetical order, if the option Ascending Order is selected. * Adding a full new folder is also possible - not a single image or element but a whole folder of them will be added, converting into accessible resources for EventIDE. * Update resources is a useful option if images or elements in the experiment have changed slightly. Provided that the files names are the same, this option will update the file within EventIDE, without the need to reimport new files as new elements. * Resources can be deleted from the library either using the Delete resources option or by selecting those resources in the library that you want to delete and just pressing Delete on the keyboard.

Figure 5: Library options are only available when library is selected in the main screen.

Parameters Menu

Several properties of an element can be converted using the parameters functionality. When one or more of these properties are selected this option allows you to convert them to parameters which form the base of your code. In the snippets you can introduce these parameters and functions to change them as your experiment goes on or to get them in a data file. The options are add as single parameter, add as multiparameter array or add as Multiparameter Pool. Previously created parameters can also be removed (if selected) using the Remove Parameter(s) command. This menu option also allows the user to cancel the pinned objects (see parameters for description).

Snippets Menu

Using the snippets boxes the user can develop code to manipulate the experiment as required. The Snippet option on the Main Menu allows the user to compile, close, save or load a particular snippet box of code, or compile or close all the snippets in the experiment (Figure 6). There is also a keyboard shortcut for compiling a particular code snippet box - F9.

Figure 6: Possible actions from the snippets option on the main menu.

Actions Menu

This menu refers to particular run actions such as run preview or run experiment. Run preview is useful in the situation where the experiment designer has added an extra "operator screen" to be seen by the experimenter, but not by the participant. When working on a single monitor, both windows will be visible using the Run Preview option. The user can look at and export statistics and any reported data using options such as save last report to file, exporting to excel, open run statistics or view last log. Users have to specify (using code) which data should be made available for export, and will be discussed in more detail in the code section.

ScrewTurn Wiki version Some of the icons created by FamFamFam.