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Page History: PsyPhy Signal Element

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Page Revision: 2024/11/28 19:01


Element Icon PsyPhy Signal
Category: Signal Acquisition AddIn: PsyPhy AddIn
Creator: OkazoLab Scope: Experiment
Owns Snippets: None Usage: Snippets


NameDescription                              ConstraintsTypeOn
PsyPhy Settings
PsyPhy IP                         String         
Sampling Rate        Defines the sampling rate of the PsyPhy amplifier                Int32         
Network Protocol        Defines the network protocol for streaming from the PsyPhy amplifier                Int32         
Channel Settings        Opens a window with the PsyPhy channel settings                Boolean         
Check Impedance Now        Opens a window showing the current impedance value                Boolean         
Sample Type        Defines the type (raw or calibrated) of recorded samples                Int32         
WiFi Strength        Defines a relative strength of the WiFi signal generated by the amplifier. Weaker WiFi signal may reduce EEG interferences.                Int32         
Impedance Range        Defines a range for the normalization of the impedance values in kOhm to the red-Green color gradient on the impedance plot                clRange         
XAML Impedance Plot        Returns a live XAML plot showing a map of impedance scores per electrode. The plot can be used for direct binding to the Content property of the XAML ContentControl element, e.g. The ContentControl with a generated plot can be shown on the status screen or by the XAML Layout element.                UIElem..         
Runtime Control
Reconnect Now        Runtime command that reconnects the amplifier and resumes the recording                Boolean         
Missed samples        Returns a total number of missed samples for the current recording                UInt64         
Reset Signals Now        Runtime commands that resets the signal buffers and data acquisition                Boolean         
Signal Generator
Signal Generator        Defines whether signal samples are produces by an oscillatory generator rather than the actual hardware. You can use the signal generator for test runs without hardware                Boolean         
Emulated Sampling Rate        Defines the emulation sampling rate (samples per second), when data is generated or streamed from a file.                Double         
Primary Frequency        Defines the frequency of the primary rhythm in the generated signal, in Hz. Assign the zero to exclude the primary frequency from the generated signal.                Double         
Secondary Frequency        Defines the frequency of the secondary rhythm in the generated signal, in Hz. The secondary frequency magnitude is a half of the primary frequency magnitude. Assign the zero to exclude the secondary frequency from the generated signal.                Double         
Noise Level        Defines the noise level (in % to the norm magnitude of the primary frequency). The noise is added to the generated signal. Assign the zero the exclude the noise from the generated signal.                Double         
Channel Configuration
Selected Channels        Defines what signal channels are selected for acquisition within EventIDE. Selected channels are registered in the EventIDE signal pool at runtime and become available for the signal analysis elements.                List`1         
Selected Channel Count        Indicates how many signal channels are currently selected for acquisition                Int32         
Total Channel Count        Indicates how many signal channels are available for acquisition in the total                Int32         
Buffer Size        Defines the size (in samples) of a circular buffer that stores incoming signal data.                Int32         
Is Enabled        If set to false the element is completely omitted when the experiment is run                Boolean         
Title        Title of the element                String         

The element runs real-time signal acquisition with the PsyPhy amplifier made by PsyPhy BV


The element allowing connecting one or more PsyPhy amplifiers, selected channels, check the electrode impedance and run real-time signal acquisition at the background of an experimental task. The singal then can be used for online processing, visualization and timestammped recording with other elements in EventIDE,

Practical Use


Preparing the element for the fiest use

  1. Add PsyPhy Signal element to the global elements in your experiment and select it.
  2. In the Properties panel, enter the IP address of the connected amplifer, select the sampling rate and network protocol.
  3. Chose amplifer channels for acquisition via the 'Selected Channels' property.
  4. If required, configure the amplifer channels via the 'Channel Settings' property.
  5. If the amplifier and electrodes are connected, you can check the electrode impedance before running the expeirment, via the 'Check Impedance Now' property.
    == Notes ==

  • The element offers 2 network protocals for a PsyPhy connection: TCP and UDP. The UPD protocal can have a shorter transmission latency but makes larger processor load and potentially can lose some signal samples. Unless it is required by your task, the TCP protocal is recommended.


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