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Page Revision: 2012/01/31 15:37

Element Icon ROI Element
Category: Behaviour Control AddIn: Base Elements
Creator: OkazoLab Team Scope: Parent Event
Owns Snippets: no Usage: Runtime Screen,Snippets


ROI element creates a "region of interest" area on the screen and continuously evaluates any positional input in relation to that area. The elements has several working modes which simplify implementation of the localization, fixation and tracking tasks. By default, the positional input is provided by a system mouse but other sources can be also used in the same manner, e.g. eye trackers and joysticks.

Practical use

The radar area works with any input source only while the parent event is active. The element can work in one of three working modes:

Instant mode

In this mode the element detects when positional input enters the "watched area". When it happens, the element instantly switches into the triggered state (the trigger time is recorder and custom user code executed, if it's defined).

Fixation mode

In this mode the element detects when positional input enters the "watched area" and stays there for certain time duration. The duration is defined by the [Fixation duration] property of the element. When it happens, the element also switches into the triggered state.

Trapper mode

In this mode the element detects detection when the positional input leaves the "watched area" (assuming that it has been inside before activation of the parent event). This mode is handy for continuous monitoring of the fixation breaks.

You can choose only between the rectangular or elliptical shape for the "watched area". It's sufficient for most of scenarios but, however, you can always create radar areas with complex shapes by combining several radar area elements in the same event. In this case you may need to check the states of multiple radar area elements manually, in your snippets.


  1. The radar area element can be triggered only once during activation of the parent event. If you need multiple triggering, redesign your experiment flow (e.g. use several events) or reactivate the parent event. Alternately, reading [Is Over] property of the element will provide a status of positional input even after the element is triggered.
  2. the radar area element can be affected by the solar visual transformations if they are applied to the parent event. In such cases, relations between positional input and watched areas can be incorrectly estimated. Always place radar area elements in events that have no such transformations.
  3. if you have several active radar area elements that watch the same screen area they can be triggered at the same time.


Genetic properties

NameDescriptionAttributesValue Type
Area shapeDefines the shape of the “watched area” stTargetShape
Border visibleDefines, if a border is shown around the ROI area at runtime. Boolean
Radar providerDefines which of the parent events in the layer hierarchy provides the positional data String
Working modeDefines the working mode for the element- its reaction on the positional input.DstTargetHitMode
Fixation durationDefines the duration (in ms) of the fixation interval when the element works in the "fixation" mode. Otherwise, the value is not used.D,RUInt64
Runtime info
Is OverIndicates at the runtime if the positional input is currently inside of the "watched area".R, Read-onlyBoolean
Is triggeredIndicates if the element has been triggered starting from current activation of the parent event.R, Read-onlyBoolean
Trigger timeShows event's time (ms) when the element was triggered.R, Read-onlyUInt64
Visual appearance
AntiAliasingif true, the rendered content will be antialiased for smoother visual appeariance. If false, rendering will be authentic to its source, e.g. a bitmap. Boolean
PositionPosition of the element on the screen areaD,R,*clPoint (X.Y,R,Theta)
SizeSize of the elementD,R,*clSize (Width,Height, aWidth,aHeight)
Z orderIndicates Z Order of the element on the given eventR, Read-onlyInt32
AlignmentDefines alignment of the "watched" area to its position. The default value is the central alignment.D,R,*stAlignment Int32
Color maskProduces a multiplicative combination of the original pixels and the selected mask color (except the alpha channel). The effect emulates a look through a colored glass. White or transparent mask color dont change the original pixels.D,R,*clColor
SaturationSaturation of the rendered content. Double

+=== Properties inherited from clElement === Inherited properties of clElement
NameDescriptionConstraintsValue TypeUpon Change
Is EnabledIf set to false the element is completely omitted when the experiment is run.Boolean
TitleTitle of the element.String

The list of Text element properties:

Resource Holder inherited properties

CATEGORY ,Property name Description type Value type
Resource index The index of item in the resource list that is currently used by the element. Notice, that index starts from 1.D,R,* Int32
Resource count The number of items loaded in the resource list of the element D,R,Read-only Int32

ScrewTurn Wiki version Some of the icons created by FamFamFam.