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Page Revision: 2011/07/12 05:38

Renderer is perhaps the most used element in EventIDE experiments. This element can load and render library items containing static graphics. Such library items include images in any format and XAML vector graphics.

The selected resource is rendered inside of a rectangular area on the screen and its appearance can be modified with properties values that you define for the Renderer element. For example, you can adjust the size and contrast of the original graphical item and/or add its rotation on the screen.

Renderer element also can work with a list of the resources taken out the Library. It's handy for experimental scenarios where you need to present a random visual stimulus at the same position on the screen. You define which resources in the Library have to be in the stimuli set and simply choose an appropriate index in the Image element at the start of each trial. Then, any resource will be rendered at the same position with the same size and visual properties that you have defined for the Renderer element.

The list of Renderer properties: +== Properties of Renderer Element

+=== Generic Properties of Renderer Element ===

+=== Properties inherited from clLibraryElement ===
NameDescriptionConstraintsValue TypeUpon Runtime Change
Material List
Selected IndexDefines the index of the active item in the material list of the element. Int32A change causes the current item to be reloaded and an update of the element.
Selected ItemDefines the name of the active item in the material list of the element. The name matches to a name of item in the Material Library StringA change causes the current item to be reloaded and an update of the element.
Item CountReturns the total number of items in the material list of the element.Int32
Equalize RGBThe property is only available in the visual element. If the value is true, the average RGB pixel intensity will be equalized across all items in the material list. You can turn on this property, when you need to obtain a luminance-balanced set of visual stimulus. Boolean

+=== Properties inherited from clElement === Inherited properties of clElement
NameDescriptionConstraintsValue TypeUpon Change
Is EnabledIf set to false the element is completely omitted when the experiment is run.Boolean
TitleTitle of the element.String

ScrewTurn Wiki version Some of the icons created by FamFamFam.