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Page Revision: 2011/07/12 07:02

Renderer is perhaps the most used element for delivering visual stimuli. The element can load and render any library item that contains static graphics. Such library items include bitmap images in any format plus XAML vector graphics.

Element Description

Renderer elements renders a content of the selected library item inside of a selected rectangular area on the screen. The rendering can be tuned with various properties of the Renderer element. For example, you can adjust the size and contrast of the original graphics item and set its rotation angle.

Each Renderer element works with a its own list of loaded Library items. It's handy for experimental scenarios where you need to present a visual stimulus selected randomly from a stimulus set. You can form a list by simply dragging library items to a Renderer element in the Element Panel. The items included in the list can be always reordered such that each item has its own integer index. Renderer elements has a property that defines which item is currenlty selected and rendered on the screen. Changing this property will cause rendering of a new item.

The list of Renderer properties:

Properties of Renderer Element

Properties inherited from clVisualElement

NameDescriptionAttributesValue Type
Is Opacity MaskIndicates if the element is used to make an opacity mask for the surface of the parent event. If true, the element does render a Library item directly. Instead, the original pixels are used to estimate the opacity of the corresponding pixels on the parent event surface. The brighter is a single pixel of the element the more transparent will be the corresponding pixel on the surface. The black pixels mean no transparency and the white ones mean full transparency.DBoolean
PositionDefines the position (Cartesian or radial) of element's rendering area on the screenD,R,*clPoint
SizeDefines the size (pixels or visual degrees) of element's rendering area on the screenD,R,*clSize
Z OrderIndicates the depth order of the element on the surface of the parent event. The value is calculated out of the Renderer position in the event's elements list.R,ReadOnlyInt32
AlignmentDefines the alignment of the rendering area of the element relatively to its position. The default value is the central alignment.D,R,*stAlignment/Int32
VisibleDefines if the element is currently visible.D,R,*Boolean
Rotation AngleDefines the rotation angle of a rendered content around the current element position. The angle is in degrees which originate from the right-most axis (0 degree- no rotation) and goes anti-clockwise until 360.D,R,*Boolean
Transparent ColorDefines a color value that is replaced with transparent pixels on rendering.D,R,*clColor
Transparency ToleranceDefines how tolerant is a transparency replacement if the transparent color is set. The value si percentage ratio. Zero means that only pixels with exact match will be replaced, whereas 100 means that all pixel will become trnasparentD,R,*Int32, range 0..100
Color MaskDefines a color that produces the effect of “look through the colored glass” on the rendering. Use non-transparent colors for adequate results. White color means no effect.D,R,*clColor
OpacityDefines the transparency of the entire rendering in percents. 100 means no effect.D,R,*Int32, range 0..100
ContrastDefines the contrast of the rendering. Zero means no effect.D,R,*Int32, range -100..100
BrightnessDefines the brighness of the rendering. Zero means no effect.D,R,*Int32, range -100..100
PixelationDefines the pixel scale of the rendering. If value >0 the original pixels are replaced with larger squats, which color is taken from the original pixel at center of squat’s area (not average color of all pixels in squat). Zero means no effect.D,R,*Int32, range 0..100
Reset JitterGenerate and apply a new random jitter for the elementRuntime action,*Boolean, set true for action
Current JitterShows the current jitter of the elementR,ReadOnlyclSize
Jitter RangeDefines the spatial range for random jitters (the size of imaginary rectangular area, superimposed at the position of the element)D,RclSize

+=== Properties inherited from clLibraryElement ===
NameDescriptionConstraintsValue TypeUpon Runtime Change
Material List
Selected IndexDefines the index of the active item in the material list of the element. Int32A change causes the current item to be reloaded and an update of the element.
Selected ItemDefines the name of the active item in the material list of the element. The name matches to a name of item in the Material Library StringA change causes the current item to be reloaded and an update of the element.
Item CountReturns the total number of items in the material list of the element.Int32
Equalize RGBThe property is only available in the visual element. If the value is true, the average RGB pixel intensity will be equalized across all items in the material list. You can turn on this property, when you need to obtain a luminance-balanced set of visual stimulus. Boolean

+=== Properties inherited from clElement === Inherited properties of clElement
NameDescriptionConstraintsValue TypeUpon Change
Is EnabledIf set to false the element is completely omitted when the experiment is run.Boolean
TitleTitle of the element.String

ScrewTurn Wiki version Some of the icons created by FamFamFam.