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Page History: Tracking Monitor Element

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Page Revision: 2016/05/05 13:52

Element Icon New Element
Category: AddIn: Base Elements
Creator: OkazoLab Team Scope: Parent Event
Owns Snippets: no Usage: Presentation Screen,Status Screen, Code snippets
The element allows/is capable of doing something in experiments

Actions aligned with epochs of the parent event

After experiment onsetThe element ...
Event rendered
Before event onset
After event onset
Control loop stepThe element ...
Before event offset
Before experiment offsetThe element ...


Generic Properties

NameProperty descriptionConstraintsTypeUpon change
Plot Settings
Plot TitleString
Show Gaze PositionsBoolean
Gaze Line ColorstColor
Gaze Line ThicknessDouble
Show VelocitiesBoolean
Velocity Line ColorstColor
Velocity Line ThicknessDouble
Show Gaze EventBoolean
Saccade Event ColorstColor
Fixation Event ColorstColor
Show Velocity ThresholdBoolean
Threshold Line ColorstColor
Reset Plot NowRuntime command that resets the plotted data. Assign 'true' in the snippets to execute the command.Boolean
XAML GazeVelocity PlotReturns a live XAML control that can be used for direct binding to the Content property of the XAML ContentControl element, e.g. ContentControl with a generated staircase plot can be added to the status screen or to the XAML Layout element.UIElement
Save GazeVelocity Plot NowAssign a fully specified filename to save the generated plot to a file at runtimeString
Preview GazeVelocity PlotOpen a window with the gaze-velocity plot previewclDesignAction
Gaze Processing
Radar ProviderDefines which of the radar providers is used for positional input in this event. In each experiment, the radar providers includes the system mouse and all tracker elements. The selected radar provider controls the Radar Point property and input to the AOI elements in this event. When 'Auto' is chosen, the first tracker element is picked up. If there are no tracker elements, the system mouse is used by default.enum
AOI enum
Sampling RateDefines the sampling rate of the tracker hardware in Hz. Set zero value for auto-detection.Double
Analysis Window SizeDefines the size of a moving analysis window in samples. The value also defines the data range in all generated plots.Int32
Exclusive ThresholdsDefines whether the exclusive velocity and saccade thresholds are used by this element. The default value is false, which means that the same threshold values are shared with all eye-tracking analysis elements.Boolean
X Velocity ThresholdDefines the saccade velocity threshold for the X-axes.Double
Y Velocity ThresholdDefines the saccade velocity threshold for the Y-axes.Double
Minimal Saccade DurationDefines the minimal duration threshold (in ms.) for the velocity-based saccade detection. If a saccade candidate shorter than the threshold, it's discarded after completion. Note that, the element can still be triggered at the start and peak velocity of the discarded saccades, when the triggering mode is not 'On the saccade end'. If you do not want to apply the minimal duration threshold, set the zero value.Double
Maximal Saccade DurationDefines the maximal duration threshold (in ms.) for the velocity-based saccade detection. If a candidate saccade shorter than the threshold, it's discarded after completion. Note that, the element can still be triggered at the start and peak velocity of the discarded saccades, when the triggering mode is not 'On the saccade end'. If you do not want to apply the maximal duration threshold, set the zero value.Double
Detection Results
Current X VelocityReturns the current gaze velocity along the X-axes. The value is read-only.Double
Current Y VelocityReturns the current gaze velocity along the Y-axes. The value is read-only.Double
General Plot Settings
Rendering SizeDefines the size of the generated XAML staircase plot in pixels. The plot is automatically stretched on rendering, but a larger rendering size improves the chart quality with some cost in performance. The rendering size is also used as the resulting image resolution, when the chart is saved into a file.clSize
Show Axis Boolean
Show Gridlines Boolean
Add Screen Clone enum
High-Quality Rendering Boolean
Plot Theme Int32
Is EnabledIf set to false the element is completely omitted when the experiment is run.Boolean
TitleTitle of the elementString

+=== Properties inherited from clElement === Inherited properties of clElement
NameDescriptionConstraintsValue TypeUpon Change
Is EnabledIf set to false the element is completely omitted when the experiment is run.Boolean
TitleTitle of the element.String

One-sentence description


Short description


Snapshot 1

Snapshot 1

Snapshot 2

Snapshot 2

Practical Use

Technique 1

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2

Technique 2

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2

 // Check the trial outcome. Result and RT just other user variables
// insert code snippet here..


  • Insert Notes here..
  • Insert Notes here..

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