Property panel

Modified on 2012/07/23 17:23 by igrenn — Categorized as: Panels and menus

Element Icon Properties
Category: UI
Role: Panel
The Properties panel is located to the right of the Event window and allows an user to modify various settings of the experimental design at all levels - from the global settings of the entire experiment to the properties of individual events and elements. The property panel consists of two-columns list with property names in the first column and property values in the second.


Property Panel showing properties of the Renderer element

Property Panel showing properties
of the Renderer element

Practical Use

Highlighted relevant properties

Some EventIDE objects may have a vast number of properties allowing a precise functional tuning when it's necessary. However, in ordinal scenarios only a limited number of properties has to be tuned. Such relevant properties are highlighted with the orange color in the property panel.

Single object selection

As any EventIDE base object gets selected in other panels (normally by mouse click), its properties are automatically loaded in the property panel and stays there until a new selection is done. The name of the selected object is shown at the top of the property panel.

Multiple object selection

After selection of multiple objects the property panel shows their mutual properties. Multiple elements of the same event or multiple events on the same layer can be selected holding the Shift button down. In order to select the elements from different events or events from different layers, you need to 'pin' objects before switching to another event or layer. The pinned objects get permanently attached to the property panel and have to be unpinned to return into the normal selection mode.

pin an element

pin an element

Adding proxy values

When you need to change some property with your snippet, you have to make this property a proxy variable and give it its unique name, which you can use wherever you want in you snippets.
To add proxy to the property you need to press Image button.
To remove existing proxy you need to press Image button.
Seeing no Image button near property means that proxy can't be added to this property.
You can organize your variables into groups. When you add a new proxy variable, you can either include it into the existing group or create a new one. You can add proxy to several elements also.
This can be done by adding proxy either as proxy array or as proxy hub.

Adding proxy

Adding proxy

Adding single proxy

Single proxy associates one property with one variable.

single proxy

single proxy

Adding proxy array

Proxy array is an indexed array containing several proxy variables linked to the same property of different objects. You can change the properties of different objects independently.

proxy array

proxy array

Adding proxy hub

Proxy hub allows to modify a property of multiple linked objects at the same time, with a single proxy variable.

proxy hub

proxy hub

Property attributes

A property's attributes determine how it can be accessed. Although most properties are available for use in code snippets through the parameters functionality,the property attributes can impose certain restictions on such interactions.

Property search and sorting

When you type something you'd like find in the Search field, it shows you a list of elements, which have titles with the same letter combination.
Search results can be shown not sorted or sorted alphabetically or sorted by category when the proper button is pressed.

Search field

Search field

Standard editors

The property panel provide a number of value editors that are automatically loaded for the particular property type.

Text/Number editor

This most common editor type that allow to enter a text or number which will be assigned to the property.

Text field

Text field

Drop-down list editor

You can select the value of this property from a drop-down list of possible values.

Drop-down list

Drop-down list

Color editor

You can choose the desirable color either by selecting it from the list at the bottom of drop-down box or by typing its numerical values in RGB directly to the proper fields. The color editor is loaded for all properties of the built-in clColor type.

Color editor

Color editor

Position editor

Besides of dragging visual elements in the scene editor you can change their screen position in the Position editor. The editor provides fields for X and Y pixel coordinates as well as Theta and R fields for polar coordinates. The position editor is loaded for all properties of the built-in clPosition type.

Position editor

Position editor

Size editor

Besides of resizing visual elements in the scene editor you can change their size in the Size editor by typing the width and height values in the editor's fields. The width and height can be defined either in pixels or in visual degrees. The size editor is loaded for all properties of the built-in clSize type.

Size editor

Size editor

Slider editor

You can change value of this property in its allowed range by moving the slider or by typing the value in the text field on the right.

Slider editor

Slider editor

Range editor

The range editor allows to set min and max values in order to create an numerical (integer or real) range. The range editor is loaded for all properties of the built-in clRange type.

Range editor

Range editor

Design-time action editor

This editor contains a button which press calls some special design-time action of the selected object, e.g. a calibration process in the eye-tracker elements. Another example is actions that test of the chosen hardware settings - e.g. Test Output property of the LPT element initiates a test sending through the parallel port. The results returned by the design-time action is shown at the left of the button after the action is complete.

Runtime action editor

Runtime action editor