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Run history
Modified on 2012/09/22 15:04
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{s:Conceptual Object Panel | title=Object | category= | role= | icon=[image|Element Icon|{UP}/pictures/icons/elements/renderer.png] } The conceptual object is for ... {TOC} == Description == Run history lets you browse history of experiments you have done. Run history window can be called by pressing the proper button from the Actions menu.</br> Run history is stored for 7 days by default. This period can be changed from '''Preferences..''' in the '''__F__ile menu'''. ==Practical Use== All experiments are shown in the Run history window grouped by date. They can be sorted by '''Date''' and '''Time''' in ascending or descending order and by '''Run Mode''', '''Duration''', '''Result''' or name ('''Experiment''' field).</br> All experiments launches are marked with colors:</br> * Launches marked with light-grey colour have no problems.</br> * Launches marked with yellow colour have errors in their snippets.</br> * Launches marked with red colour have serious errors in interaction with hardware or error in Event IDE itself.</br> * Launches marked with white colour are...</br> </br> If Smart filter is on, only real launches will be shown. All debugging launches will be hidden.</br> If launch have to be left in the Run history even after erasing it, [image||{UP}/guidance/Run history/images/Lock%20unlocked.jpg] button has to be pressed. If pressed it will change its view this way: [image||{UP}/guidance/Run history/images/Lock.jpg] {| | [imageleft|Run history|{UP}/guidance/Run history/images/thumbs/Run%20history%20w.jpg|{UP}/guidance/Run history/images/full-size/Run%20history%20w.jpg] |} [Report] of the selected experiment can be exported to a text file or to an Excel document by pressing proper buttons.</br> Report of the selected experiment can be shown by pressing [image||{UP}/guidance/Run history/images/expand%20report.jpg] button.</br> [image||{UP}/guidance/Run history/images/more.jpg] button will open all report of the selected experiment. {| | [imageleft|Run history with opened report of the selected experiment|{UP}/guidance/Run history/images/thumbs/expand.jpg|{UP}/guidance/Run history/images/full-size/expand.jpg] |}
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