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onset and Manual Output Using the element in the Auto output on event onset mode Create the LSL [...] fixed marker text. For example, you can use 'Stimulus onset' for a stimulus event in your experiment [...] sending a single marker. After such test, the LSL marker stream should be detectable by en external
, for instance, (IsTriggered==true) Reset the IsTriggered proxy variable to 'false' in the After Onset [...] presentation' is selected, the stimulus presentation mode is automatically switched off after the first [...] presentation'. The single presentation mode can be resumed manually after each stimulus presentaion
must be active before an onset of the parent event The element automatically starts rendering received video frames at the onset of the parent event Rendering is faster, if the size of the rendering
connected hardware after it the configuration request Status.. Double Sample Type Returns the actual sampling rate of connected hardware after the configuration
of an experiment. After creating the element, it has to be linked to a particular LSL stream