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the emulation sampling rate (samples per second), when data is generated or streamed from a file [...] buffers numerical signals in an LSL stream generated by connected hardware or another application [...] active LSL streams that are generated by research hardware or other applications on the same computer or
forward such signals to external applications that run in a network or on the same computer. The [...] Global element panel Define Stream Name , Stream Type and Data Format properties of the element Select [...] be either the same or different to the sampling rates of the input channels Run an experiment and
predicted in the forecasted signal. To define more than one phase, enter values with delimiters (' ','|' or [...] stimulus or to run user events. Normal.. Boolean Presentation Mode [...] for an immediate presentation of stimulus or controlling other functions in an experiment
The LSL Signal Element reads numerical signals in an LSL stream generated by connected hardware or [...] by EventIDE to external applications that run in a network or on the same computer. LSL Tracker element The LSL Tracker Element reads gaze position data streamed by an external application or eye
Visual Appearance Pivot Point Defines alignment of the pivot point (or, element's [...] mask on the event surface. If masking is on, the content's pixel luminance (or, its inverse) defines [...] a look through a colored glass.
White or transparent mask color dont change the original pixels
Defines a value that will be sent as event marker, The value type must match or be convertible to the [...] protocol, you can use one or multiple LSL Event Marker Elements for that purpose. The LSL Event Marker
EventIDE Runtime and Data Collection Measuring timing accuracy in EventIDE- is it 1ms, 0.1ms or even
alternative or to connect custom eye-tracker hardware. The LSL tracker element reads X and Y gaze positions