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Page Revision: 2018/08/03 22:01

Element Icon Phase Forecaster Element
Category: Signal Analysis AddIn: Signal Processing
Creator: OkazoLab Team Scope: Parent Event
Owns Snippets: no Usage: Status Screen, code snippets

Actions aligned with epochs of the parent event

After OnsetThe element starts analyzing the selected signal
Control Loop stepLatest signal samples is analyzed within the selected analysis window and the signal plot gets updated.
Before OffsetThe element stops analyzing the selected signal


Generic Properties

NameProperty DescriptionConstraintsTypeUpon change
Signal Source
Selected SignalDefines the signal for processing by the element. The signals are provided by the data acquisition elements.String
Sampling RateDefines the sampling rate of the original signal, in HzInt32
Analysis Window SizeDefines the size (in samples) of the moving analysis window for signal processing.Int32
Signal NormalizationDefines the normalization procedure that is automatically applied to the signal before the analysisenumThe selected procedure is applied on the next analysis cycle
Bandpass Filter
Is FilteringDefines whether the Butterworth bandpass filter is applied in signal plotting. This filter does not affect the signal analysis.Boolean
Filter OrderDefines the order of the Butterworth bandpass filterInt32
Low CutOffDefines the low cutoff of the Butterworth bandpass filter, in HzDouble
High CutOffDefines the high cut-off of the Butterworth bandpass filter, in HzDouble
Runtime Status
Is RunningDefines whether the analysis and plotting is going on in the present. You can use this property to temporally cease the signal processing for a sake of performance.Boolean
XAML Signal PlotReturns a live XAML signal plot with the signal data. The plot can be used for direct binding to the Content property of the XAML ContentControl element, e.g. The ContentControl with a generated plot can be shown on the status screen or by the XAML Layout element.XAML UIElement
Signal SamplesReturns an double array of the newest signal samples. The array length is equal to the size of the analysis window. The values are updated on every Control Loop cycle of the parent event. The last item in the array corresponds to the most recent signal sample.double[]
Plot TitleDefines the title of the generated signal plotStringThe signal plot is updated
Plot ThemeDefines a visual theme of the generated signal plotenumThe signal plot is updated
Line ThicknessDefines the thickness of the data line on the generated signal plotDoubleThe signal plot is updated
Line ColorDefines the color of the data line on the generated signal plotstColorThe signal plot is updated
Max Y-AxisDefines the range of the Y-axis (power) on the generated signal plot. Zero value denotes the auto-range.DoubleThe signal plot is updated
Rendering SizeDefines the size of the generated plot in pixels. The plot is automatically stretched on rendering, but a larger rendering size improves the chart quality with some cost in performance. The rendering size is also used as the resulting image resolution, when the plot is exported into a file.clSize
Signal Statistics
MeanReturns the means of the signal values within the analysis windowdouble
MinimumReturns the minimum of the signal values within the analysis windowdouble
MaximumReturns the maximum of the signal values within the analysis windowdouble
Standard DeviationReturns the standard deviations of the signal values within the analysis windowdouble

+=== Properties inherited from the base element === Inherited properties of clElement
NameDescriptionConstraintsValue TypeUpon Change
Is EnabledIf set to false the element is completely omitted when the experiment is run.Boolean
TitleTitle of the element.String

Phase Forecaster Element forecasts an real-time oscillatory signal and returns a predicted time of the next occurrence of the selected signal phase. This element is a part of Phase-locked stimulus presentation extension for EventIDE software.

Demo Video

ScrewTurn Wiki version Some of the icons created by FamFamFam.