Port Settings |
MC DAQ Board number | Defines the MC DAQ card number in the system. If you do not know the card number, find it with the InstaCal utility installed with card drivers. | | Int32 | |
Port Name | Defines a name of the output port on NC DAQ card. Check a card manual on which port to choose, or try to select different ports until you obtain the correct output | | Digita.. | |
Working Mode | Defines a working mode for the element.Select the 'AutoOutput on event onset' mode for sending signals synchronously with an onset of the parent event,or 'Triggering on input' mode for catching the particular pattern in port input. For custom reading/writing scenarios use the 'Manual IO' mode, in which port communication can be controlled by your code. | | stPara.. | |
Input |
Test Input | Open a input monitor window showing real-time port input with the current settings. Use for testing at designtime. | | Boolean | |
Input Value | Returns the current state of the port input lines. The property is updated automatically only in the Triggering Input mode. The value can be read either to the integer or binary formats, e.g. 'string S=Input;' may return '01010101' | | clBina.. | |
Triggering Value | When the element is in the 'Triggering input' working mode, a value of this property defines the 'catching' input pattern in the binary format. If the pattern is detected in port input at any time, the element registers the detection time and becomes triggered. The Triggering Input has to be defined for each of the port line, e.g. '1111****' can be used for detection of the ON state in the first 4 lines of a 8-bit port. Use either '0' or '1' chars for the relevant lines and and the '*' char for irrelevant. Set all lines to *, if you want to detect any change in the port input. | | String | |
Trigger Once | Defines whether the element can be triggered multiple times, while the parent event is active. If the property value is 'true' only the first triggering is registered | | Boolean | |
Output |
Signal Profile | Defines the time-amplitude profile of the output signal.'Level Change', 'Pulse' and 'TTL' profiles are available | | stPara.. | |
Preface Duration | Defines the duration (ms) of the guarantied zero preface interval for the TTL or Pulse signals. Increase the preface duration marginally, if your recording hardware does not detect port signals. Note that a non-zero preface delays the onset of the actual signal. | | Double | |
Pulse Duration | Duration of a single output pulse in ms. The value is applied only if the Pulse signal profile is selected | | UInt64 | |
Interpulse Duration | Defines a duration of the inter-pulse interval in ms. The value is applied only if the Pulse signal profile is selected | | clTime | |
Pulse Number | Defines a number of pulses in the pulse train. The value is applied only if the Pulse signal profile is selected | | Int32 | |
Output Value | Value to be sent through the port. Can be defined in integer or binary format, e.g. Output='01010000'; or Output=255; | | clBina.. | |
Send Output Now | Runtime action initiating an instant output communication through the port. Call this action in snippets by 'SendNow=true;', but only if the element works in the 'Manual I/O' mode. | | Boolean | |
Runtime Status |
Is Triggered | Indicates whether the element has been triggered at least once since activation of the parent event.Triggering occurs only in the 'Input Detection' working mode | | Boolean | |
Triggering Time | Indicates the local event time of the last element triggering. Triggering occurs only in the 'Input Detection' working mode. | | clTime | |
Control |
Is Enabled | If set to false the element is completely omitted when the experiment is run | | Boolean | |
Title | Title of the element | | String | |