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Page Revision: 2011/07/25 10:41
Elements in EventIDE are programming objects (or classes) that provide specific functionality for an experiment. There are elements, for example, to render images, to play videos or to read eye-tracker data. An element becomes available as it added to a particular event, which is called the parent event of the given element. In most cases, elements are functional only in a scope of the parent event: for example, if you have created the Button element, it will detect the button presses only during activation of the parent event. The scope of the event includes all events in event's sublayer, so if the parent event with a Button element has a sublayer with several sub-events, then the Button element will detect button presses in all sub-events. It's, therefore, important to find a proper parent event (and scope) for every element that you are planning to use.
Practical Use
All elements have the named
properties that describe a current status of the given element. For instance, the Renderer element has properties named Size and Location that determine it displacement on the screen. The properties can be changed for each element independently, at the design-time, in order to tune an element before an experiment run. The properties of the selected element(s) are accessible by the
Properties panel in GUI.
Being converted to Parameters, most of the element properties can be also accessed and changed at the runtime, by accessing them as variables in code snippets.
Elements can be added to event from the main menu by clicking the Event – Add Element item. A list of available elements will appear as it is depicted in Figure 1 below.
When you choose and double-click on an element, it will be added to the event, currently selected in GUI.
Figure 1: Available elements that can be added to a particular event.
Elements that belong to a particular parent event are listed in the Elements panel when the event is selected in GUI. All elements that were added in experiment are also can be views in the Element Panel when the HQ Layer is selected. There they are grouped by element type.
Standard Element List ¶